Thesaurus Glossariorum

This page allows you to read the index of types as defined in the project. For clarity purposes, we distinguished between lemmas taken from glossaries mainly in Latin (in blue), Greek-Latin/Latin-Greek glossaries (in dark green) and glossaries dealing with botany (in olive green). In addition, lemmas which do not contain any explanation but simply point to another lemma are preceded by an asterisk (*).

By clicking on a lemma on the left side frame, you will display all the explanations it received in the selected glossaries and, when applicable, a timeline indicating the first occurrence of each definition along with a map locating the corresponding manuscripts. The explanation timeline can be reduced using the triangle at its right.

By clicking on a reference (for example, Asbest. BA 14) on the central screen, on the right side frame, the explanation token will be displayed in its context with its special orthography.